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Shanghai tax firm Li & Fung Ltd.
Address: Zhongshan West Road 2368,  Huading Building 10 floor,room D      Postal Code: 200235
Company switchboard: 021-64861516
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"10,000 tons / year of organic fertilizer production projects to promote the use declaration"

 Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, which is the basis of agricultural fertilizer, since ancient times "flower crops, thanks to fat headed" and said that since the middle of last century, with a large number of fertilizer in agricultural production reached significantly improved, while safety and pollution problems have become an increasing concern of the whole society, promote the reduction of fertilizer and organic fertilizer to promote the work become a consensus. Agriculture is in a crucial period of nation-building Shanghai modern agriculture demonstration area, to achieve "leap second", the level of social services agricultural service system, will directly reflect the Shanghai Agricultural Modernization height.
With the rapid development of industry and agriculture, organic waste generated has increased every year, often concentrated in some areas, due to transport and can not be digested in situ accommodate reasons a source of contamination, pose a serious threat to the urban and rural environment. At present, only manure, annual emissions of municipal sewage sludge and solid waste reached 800 million tons, and is growing every year. These organic waste rich in organic matter and mineral nutrients, but also contain pathogenic bacteria and parasite eggs, perishable, and accompanied by the stench, improper handling can cause secondary pollution. According to incomplete statistics, China is only 30% to 40% of organic waste is processed, most discarded any emissions, not only a waste of resources, but also seriously endangering the quality of the environment. In China, on the one hand, the development of three high agriculture and ecological agriculture, production of green agricultural products, organic fertilizers are required to participate, and its application rate is getting worse; on the other hand, a large number of urban and rural organic waste is increasing, but not fully effective use . Therefore, the strengthening of agricultural organic wastes and industrial development, is a long-term future tasks and priorities in the field of agriculture and the environment. Therefore, to carry out the production and promotion of organic fertilizer is a very urgent and necessary task.
At the same time, with the improvement of people's income level, consumption structure corresponding to a shift to meet their basic living consumption from traditional subsistence to improve quality of life and to pursue their own development mainly well-off transition, people began to focus on the product fresh, safety, hygiene, health, organic foods can achieve all the requirements of consumers of food, a lot of excess fertilizer in the past has been to jeopardize food security and ecological security, modern, healthy and sustainable development need to change our mode of cultivation, by organic fertilizer products to help complete the upgrades to meet health and safety requirements.
In addition, there is an organic fertilizer history and the modern needs of the industry, its production, distribution and administration of the promotion, will absorb a large labor force, the implementation of the project unit regularly guide and standardize and improve its application technology to improve yield and quality, reduce the risk of planting, while improving the income of farmers. After the project, to provide employment opportunities for the local workforce.
Overall, the establishment of the project in line with national policy, the company can not only play professional advantage, but also to meet consumer demand, in line with the national comprehensive agricultural development project goals.

Shanghai Lifeng Tax Agent Co., Ltd
Tel: 021-64863398

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