2025-01-03 我司被列入可向海关稽核查提供服务的中介机构名单
2024-12-26 我所被中国注册税务师协会评为“专精特新”品牌税务师事务所
2024-12-06 关于上海注册税务师协会继续认定我司为AAA级税务师事务所的公示
2024-11-08 2024年11月6日,立丰咨询2024年“金秋收获,团队共融”秋季团队拓展活动
2024-10-16 2024年10月14日,市税协联合徐汇区税务局走访我司开展调研活动
2024-08-30 2024年8月30日,中共上海立丰税务师事务所有限公司党支部8月学习会
2024-06-12 2024年5月29日,天马生活垃圾处置项目实地调研
2024-06-12 2024年5月23日,金山卫镇市政道路保洁成本预算绩效实地调研
2024-04-25 2024年4月22日,浦东新区环保局绩效评价项目进场
2024-04-25 2024年4月12日,立丰咨询2024年“踏响春天旋律,放飞美丽心情”春季团队拓展活动
2024-01-02 立丰咨询2024迎新年会总结
2023-12-18 2023年12月18日,青浦中心城区一体化养护保洁项目评审
2023-11-03 2023年11月2日,公利医院大修设备添置成本分析项目沟通会
2023-11-21 2023年11月17日,立丰咨询“奋发拼搏、勇于开拓”秋季拓展活动
2023-10-24 2023年10月23日,崇明区市区管河道社会化专业化养护管理项目专家评审
2023-09-28 恭喜我司荣获2022年度浦东新区绩效评价中心“优秀奖”
2023-09-25 2023年9月25日,崇明区河道养护项目方案专家评审会
2023-08-31 2023年8月31日,有轨电车运营补贴项目成本预算绩效工作对接会
2023-08-18 2023年8月15日,2023年度立丰咨询业务专题培训
2023-08-01 2023年8月1日,闵行区防疫和应急物资项目后评价报告评审
2023-07-11 2023年7月11日,农发中心验收审计交流会
2023-06-08 2023年6月8日,松江有轨电车运营补贴项目财政汇报
2023-05-30 2023年5月30日,青浦区城镇污水处理厂污泥干化焚烧项目后续工作对接会议
2023-04-24 2023年4月21日,立丰咨询春季团队拓展活动
2023-04-18 2023年4月18日,崇明区住房保障和房屋管理局绩效辅导
2023-04-10 2023年4月10日,崇明区建设和管理委员会绩效自评辅导
2023-03-14 2023年3月14日,赵巷镇预算绩效自评培训
2023-01-16 立丰咨询祝您新春愉快!
2022-12-31 立丰咨询祝您元旦快乐!
2022-12-05 2022年12月2日,九亭镇绩效目标辅导培训
2022-11-18 2022年11月18日,青浦卫健委绩效培训
2022-11-10 2022年11月10日,康桥镇预算评审进场
2022-11-10 关于上海注册税务师协会继续认定我司为AAA级税务师事务所的公示
2022-10-31 2022年10月30日,青浦区排水所项目成本报告汇报
2022-10-25 2022年10月21日立丰“跨越·起航”室内活动
2022-10-01 立丰咨询祝您国庆快乐!
2022-09-18 2022年9月18日,三年行动计划整体评估会
2022-09-08 2022年9月8日,绿衍水务有限公司特许经营检查
2022-09-09 立丰咨询祝您中秋快乐!
2022-09-06 2022年度立丰咨询业务专题培训
2022-09-06 2022年8月31日,漾沁环境科技有限公司特许经营检查
2022-07-29 2022年7月29日,体育设施运行经费项目沟通
2022-07-20 2022年7月20日,事业单位年报审计工作培训
2022-05-01 2022年5月1日,向一线抗疫人民致敬
2022-02-22 2022年2月22日,高峰学科建设计划项目专家评审会
2021-12-31 2021年12月31日,青浦干化焚烧厂现场调研
2021-12-09 2021年12月8日,金山区亭林镇镇级项目绩效指标辅导
2021-11-17 2021年立丰咨询“团队互助、合作共赢”秋季拓展活动
2021-11-15 关于上海注册税务师协会认定我司为AAA级税务师事务所的公示
2021-11-09 2021年11月9日,青浦区教育系统绩效目标项目评审
2021-10-29 2021年10月29日,青浦区预算评审会
2021-10-28 2021年10月26日,市农业农村委员会信息中心资产清查会议
2021-10-01 热烈庆祝中华人民共和国成立72周年!
2021-09-29 2021年9月29日,青浦区绩效监督核查会议
2021-09-01 2021年9月1日,浦东西甜瓜种植调研
2021-08-12 2021年8月12日,三年行动计划项目中期汇报会
2021-08-09 2021年8月6日,青浦二污厂特许经营检查
2021-07-07 2021年7月7日,漕泾项目调研访谈
2021-06-24 2021年6月24日,评审中心电子警察项目评审
2021-06-18 2021年6月17日,崇明应急局部门整体支出绩效评价报告评审会
2021-05-27 2021年5月27日,闵行区河道整治项目评审
2021-05-19 2021年5月18日,闵行区河道整治项目汇报
2021-04-21 2021年4月21日,闵行区河道整治项目资金绩效评价研讨会
2021-03-16 2021年3月16日,上海市水利管理事物中心访谈
2021-03-11 2021年3月11日,儿童医学中心实地调研
2021-02-18 立丰咨询2021开工大吉
2021-01-29 欢迎上海立信会计金融学院财税与公共管理学院副院长等三人莅临我所指导交流
2021-01-27 2021年1月26日,宝山区区级储备粮补贴项目报告沟通
2020-12-31 立丰咨询祝您2021元旦快乐!
2020-12-30 2020年12月30日,自贸区项目验收评审会
2020-12-23 上海立信会计金融学院授牌上海立丰税务师事务所有限公司成为产学研基地
2020-12-23 2020年12月23日,莘庄工业区绩效目标辅导
2020-12-14 2020年12月14日,闵行绩效目标评审会
2020-11-20 2020年11月20日,陆家嘴自贸区项目验收评审
2020-10-27 2020年10月27日,闵行区2021年垃圾分类源头动员引导项目预算评审会
2020-10-26 2020年立丰咨询“磨炼意志、熔炼团队”秋季拓展活动
2020-10-19 2020年10月19日,金山区其他解决历史遗留问题及改革成本支出项目跟踪报告评审
2020-09-29 恭喜上海立丰税务师事务所有限公司进入2019年度税务师事务所“百强”名列
2020-09-27 2020年9月27日,闵行区前评项目评审
2020-09-23 2020年9月23日,青浦区2021年项目预算绩效目标评审工作布置会
2020-09-09 2020年9月9日,青浦区财政局污水厂运行机制专题会
2020-09-04 2020年9月3日,立丰党支部”上海·党的诞生地“巡展主题党日观展
2020-09-03 2020年8月31日,青浦区二污厂特许经营服务项目监管了解
2020-02-10 立丰咨询复工通知
2020-02-10 立丰咨询关于复工复产及疫情防控工作会议
2020-01-21 2020年1月19日,宝山区保障性安居工程项目财务资料收集沟通
2020-01-21 2020年1月14日,青浦区财政局夏阳街道项目跟踪结果反馈座谈会
2019-12-18 2019年12月18日,控江街道多代园项目报告评审
2019-12-03 2019年12月3日,闵行交通委绩效目标辅导
2019-11-22 2019年11月22日,程十发美术馆运营费评审会
2019-11-12 2019年11月12日,南汇新城2020年预算评审项目汇报
2019-10-25 2019年立丰咨询“同心合力、再创佳绩”秋季拓展活动
2019-10-18 2019年10月17日,张堰镇绩效目标编制培训辅导
2019-09-27 2019年9月23日,宝山区庙行镇跟踪项目单位沟通
2019-09-06 2019年9月2日,市交通委预算申报评审会
2019-08-30 2019年8月30日,控江路街道美丽街区建设项目方案评审会
2019-08-15 2019年8月15日,宝山区人大常委会预算工委于我所开展调研座谈会
2019-08-15 2019年8月15日,长宁区综合养老投资改造项目绩效跟踪评价方案沟通
2019-08-02 2019年8月2日,浦东文创影视预算评审报告评审会
2019-07-25 2019年7月25日,公司开展绩效跟踪项目关注点培训会
2019-07-19 2019年7月18日,静安部门整体支出专家评审会
2019-07-12 2019年7月11日,浦江镇环卫工作经费项目评审会
2019-06-27 2019年6月27日,浦东新区城道养护项目评审会
2019-06-14 2019年6月11日,浦东新区环城绿带养护项目项目单位访谈沟通
2019-05-31 2019年5月30日,闵行公交服务项目评审会
2019-05-24 2019年5月23日,七宝镇市场化经费项目保洁公司调研
2019-05-17 2019年5月17日,崇明财政局海塘维修项目评审会
2019-05-08 2019年立丰咨询“团结奋进、共创佳绩”春季拓展活动
2019-04-19 2019年4月16日,崇明海塘维修评价工作会议
2019-04-19 2019年4月15日,上海高校学生食堂主副食品团体采购价格调控项目布置会
2019-04-12 2019年4月9日,G15公路松浦二桥以北路面大修工程沟通会
2019-04-04 2019年4月4日,青浦区房地产交易中心方案评审会
2019-03-22 2019年3月18日,青浦金泽镇财政所项目沟通
2019-03-15 2019年3月13日,上海市住房和城乡建设管理委员会项目会议
2019-03-01 2019年2月28日,上海市农展馆资金检查汇报
2019-02-22 2019年2月22日,高校课程思政项目复审
2019-02-22 2019年2月20日,青浦区房地产交易中心部门整体评价进场调研沟通
2019-02-01 2019年1月24日,思政项目-评审中心反馈函修改定稿
2019-01-18 2019年1月18日,金山工业区设施蔬菜有机肥替代化肥示范县创建-种养结合验收评审会
2019-01-11 员工风采 | 蔡梦冰在第二届“闻政杯”全面实施预算绩效管理·面面观征文评比中获第三名佳绩
2019-01-11 2019年1月10日,金山第二批市级蔬菜机械化示范点创建方案评审论证会
2018-12-29 2018年12月26日,上海农委无纸化会议系统项目验收会议
2018-12-14 2018年12月14日,高技能人才培养基地建设项目-电梯配件运行维修人员实训设备资助项目评审会
2018-12-07 2018年12月4日,企业专项检查对接会
2018-11-30 2018年11月29日,金山朱泾镇日烘干300吨粮食基地项目验收评审
2018-11-16 2018年11月16日,山阳田园百果园示范区基础建设项目评审
2018-11-09 2018年11月8日,金怡园采摘观光游建设项目验收评审
2018-11-09 2018年立丰咨询“汇聚能量 共向未来”秋季拓展活动
2018-11-02 2018年10月29日,闵行区2019年度医疗设备购置补贴项目评审会
2018-10-19 2018年10月17日,崇明区残疾人联合会预算评审资料收集
2018-10-12 2018年10月12日,梅陇镇城市网格化管理中心项目沟通
2018-10-12 2018年10月10日,三峡移民群体问题风险评估崇明港西镇报告前调研
2018-09-27 2017年9月27日,七宝镇财政预算项目支出绩效后评价报告评审会
2018-09-26 2018年9月25日,金山区博物馆报告与财政及项目单位汇报沟通
2018-09-21 2018年9月19日,金山区档案局部门整体预算项目报告沟通
2018-09-14 2018年9月14日,金山枫泾茶叶生产基地项目验收专家评审会
2018-09-11 2018年9月11日,嘉定财政前评审项目工作沟通会
2018-09-06 2018年9月6日,普陀区职业教育项目访谈
2018-08-31 2018年8月31日,长宁区2017年度区卫计委科研经费项目评审会
2018-08-21 2018年8月20日,上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院科研综合楼暨上海市肿瘤研究所整体迁建工程开办费评审答辩会
2018-08-15 2018年8月10日,外高桥自贸区发展资金项目评审
2018-07-20 2018年7月20日,英恒电子专项资金项目材料沟通
2018-07-13 2018年7月12日,金山档案局凭证抽查
2018-06-22 2018年6月21日,市局水域保洁项目报告评审
2018-06-15 2018年6月15日,2017年度区卫计委科研经费项目评审会
2018-06-08 2018年6月5日,康桥镇社区生活服务中心项目调研
2018-06-01 2018年5月31日,水域保洁项目调研
2018-05-25 2018年5月23日,世博项目实地调研
2018-05-18 2018年5月18日,公共文化配送项目16区座谈会
2018-05-03 2018年5月3日,市局水域保洁项目方案评审
2018-05-02 2018年立丰咨询“成长担当?扬帆起航”春季拓展活动
2018-04-27 2018年4月27日,青浦区崧淀中学整体评价
2018-04-13 2018年4月13日,金山区公安局交通违法智能抓拍系统项目沟通
2018-03-30 2018年3月28日,市局水域保洁项目实施单位调研
2018-03-15 2018年3月15日,六院开办费项目评审会
2018-01-17 立丰咨询2018迎新联欢晚会圆满结束
2017-11-10 2017年11月6日,美丽乡村长效管理坚强村现场调研
2017-11-10 2017年“专注匠心,从心出发”秋季拓展活动
2017-10-31 2017年10月31日,书院镇绩效评价培训
2017-10-20 2017年10月20日,青浦预算评审会
2017-10-24 砥砺奋进迎接党的十九大
2017-09-26 2017年9月26日,杨浦电话关爱项目报告评审会
2017-09-05 2017年9月5日,青浦残联跟踪评审会
2017-08-30 2017年8月30日,奉贤村庄改造审计审价核查项目汇报
2017-08-17 2017年8月17日,市农委行业协会资产清查专项审计沟通
2017-08-16 2017年8月16日,枫泾污水处理厂资金检查
2017-08-09 2017年8月9日,甘泉街道项目访谈
2017-08-04 2017年8月3日,水产研究所项目调研
2017-07-28 2017年7月24日,金山区水务局预算评审项目调研
2017-07-20 2017年7月19日,浦东高行镇项目调研
2017-07-13 2017年7月13日,城管大队项目社区工作室走访
2017-07-07 2017年7月5日,陆家嘴金融科技综合服务平台项目专家复审会
2017-06-30 2017年6月30日,宝山区农委项目调研
2017-06-29 2017年6月29日,莘庄项目绩效目标申报表填制培训
2017-06-21 2017年6月21日,高校后勤服务中心跟踪项目调研
2017-06-19 2017年6月19日,奉贤停车场项目调研
2017-06-16 2017年6月16日,杨浦区2016年度纯老家庭电话关爱服务项目评审会
2017-06-16 2017年6月16日,杨浦区2016城管执法社会满意度测评项目评审会
2017-06-12 2017年6月12日,外高桥项目评审
2017-06-08 2017年6月8日,青浦外网项目评审会
2017-05-17 2017年5月16日,政府购买服务项目财政绩效评估会
2017-05-11 2017年5月11日,奉贤区公安局项目调研
2017-05-05 2017年5月5日,金山区河道养护项目方案评审会
2017-05-03 2017年“快乐工作、健康生活”春季拓展活动
2017-04-21 2017年4月21日,上海市人民政府发展研究中心项目评审会
2017-04-11 2017年4月11日,西部地区流域泄洪通道防洪堤防达标工程项目调研
2017-04-06 2017年4月5日,文教结合项目 资金评审中心
2017-04-06 2017年4月1日,金山区水务局项目调研
2017-04-06 2017年3月31日,金山发改委项目调研
2017-04-06 2017年3月29日,文教结合项目评审会
2017-04-06 2017年3月24日,农展集团下属公司年报审计
2017-04-06 2017年3月24日,闵行区财政会议
2017-04-06 2017年3月23日,上海市绩效管理平台培训
2017-04-06 2017年3月23日,静安区环卫作业经费项目评审
2017-04-06 2017年3月23日,金山财政项目碰头会
2017-04-06 2017年3月16日,上海地产园林发展有限公司园林种植挖掘修剪成套机械的引进现场勘查
2017-04-06 2017年3月14日,青浦美丽项目-东西村调研
2017-04-06 2017年3月14日,东庄村访谈调研
2017-04-06 2017年2月14日,上海乾坤国际旅行社有限公司社保审计
2017-04-06 2017年1月3日,立丰咨询“2017年元旦迎新联欢晚会”
2016-10-11 September 30th, Pudong project review
2016-10-11 September 29th, Huangpu District service industry development fund project report review
2016-10-11 September 28th, the Yangpu District Commission of Commerce compliance checks
2016-10-11 September 28th, Minhang green board before the assessment of the project to communicate
2016-10-11 September 26th, Putuo Public Security Bureau of the project compliance checks
2016-09-05 June 30, 2016, Jinshan District public welfare forest conservation fund project plan communication
2016-09-05 June 30, 2016, Liangcheng pumping station renovation project interview
2016-09-05 June 28, 2016, Caojing Town Finance
2016-08-23 June 28, 2016, Zhang Yan Zhen research
2016-08-23 June 28, 2016, Jinshan program communication
2016-08-23 June 27, 2016, health care center, social security center comprehensive supervision and inspection report
2016-08-23 June 27, 2016, Yangpu Education Bureau asset Center Research
2016-08-23 June 23, 2016, agricultural risk assessment report assessment of non protected agriculture in Shanghai City Project
2016-08-23 June 23, 2016, private education project and that communication
2016-08-23 June 22, 2016, Minhang green board Project Finance Seminar
2016-08-22 June 22, 2016, Minhang green board Project Finance Seminar
2016-08-22 June 21, 2016, the Construction Project Construction Committee Aerospace Engineering Research
2016-08-22 June 21, 2016, Yangpu education infrastructure Center Research
2016-08-22 June 17, 2016, Qingpu District Social Security Center, the failure of government supervision and inspection of the project report confirmed
2016-08-22 June 16, 2016, Xuhui re evaluation of the project, the credit assets of the company interviews and research
2016-08-22 June 16, 2016, Qingpu District Social Security Center, the failure of government supervision and inspection of the project
2016-08-22 June 16, 2016, the Federation of project communication
2016-08-22 June 16, 2016, six Project Construction Committee meeting
2016-08-22 June 15, 2016, Chongming technical management project construction center data collection
2016-08-22 June 15, 2016, Yangpu board of education communication
2016-08-22 June 15, 2016, the three strong middle school project field understanding, evidence collection
2016-08-22 June 15, 2016, Jinshan financial training
2016-08-22 June 15, 2016, Shanghai Pudong Tax Bureau canceled verification will be opened
2016-08-22 June 15, 2016, Chongming technology management school project meeting
2016-08-22 June 15, 2016, Chongming three strong middle school project meeting
2016-06-28 June 15, 2016, the overall evaluation of the project in Baoshan
2016-06-28 June 14, 2016, Changning civil affairs project research
2016-06-28 June 14, 2016, Pudong training sessions
2016-06-28 June 14, 2016, Shanghai overseas Chinese Affairs Office Project
2016-06-28 June 14, 2016, college town, thousands of people employment project
2016-06-16 June 13, 2016, Pudong pre evaluation project communication
2016-06-16 June 13, 2016, the Qingpu environmental protection agency overall evaluation program review
2016-06-16 June 12, 2016, the new town project communication
2016-06-15 June 12, 2016, Minhang Ma post evaluation project
2016-06-15 June 12, 2016, Qingpu Highway Department Project
2016-06-15 June 8, 2016, Minhang green board project review meeting
2016-06-14 June 6, 2016, Huangpu District service industry to guide the development of the project review
2016-06-14 June 6, 2016, Jinshan District Lu Lane maintenance social financial verification
2016-06-14 June 6, 2016, Jinshan rural sewage equipment maintenance projects
2016-06-12 June 6, 2016, Qingpu District, private education project report review
2016-06-12 June 6, 2016, Jinshan rural life conservation project communication will be
2016-06-12 June 3, 2016, Lin zhujingzhen conservation research
2016-06-07 June 3, 2016, zhujingzhen maintenance agency data collection
2016-06-07 June 3, 2016, Data collection of Jinshan District public welfare maintenance fund
2016-06-07 June 2, 2016, food testing performance pre evaluation
2016-06-06 June 2, 2016, Qingpu financial expenditure supervision and inspection
2016-06-06 June 2, 2016, the Changning District compulsory preferential scheme review
2016-06-06 June 2, 2016, Chongming new project description
2016-06-05 June 2, 2016, the Qingpu Environmental Protection Bureau of the overall evaluation of the program exchange and data collection
2016-06-05 June 2, 2016, internal control training
2016-06-05 June 2, 2016, the Council re evaluation of government research project sme
2016-06-03 May 31, 2016, Cao Lu Road Survey
2016-06-03 May 30, 2016, Cao Lu town government two project post evaluation approach
2016-06-03 May 27, 2016, Jinshan project approach
2016-06-02 May 26, 2016, the Chongming food and drug inspection office equipment purchase and start-up costs
2016-06-02 May 26, 2016, Chongming Finance Bureau performance branch communication
2016-06-02 May 26, 2016, the Yangpu District people’s Government Business Council Research
2016-05-31 May 26, 2016, Baoshan Finance Conference
2016-05-31 May 25, 2016, Xuhui District public houses and the sale of residential property services standardized subsidies
2016-05-31 May 25, 2016, Liangcheng pump station project
2016-05-30 May 24, 2016, Jiading financial performance reporting
2016-05-30 May 24, 2016, the City Board of education interview
2016-05-30 May 24, 2016, 9 streets of the board of education interview
2016-05-29 May 24, 2016, Liangcheng pumping station research
2016-05-29 May 24, 2016, private Lou Tong Primary School Research
2016-05-29 May 24, 2016, urban barrier free facilities renovation project evaluation project evaluation
2016-05-28 May 23, 2016, Huangpu service industry to guide the report
2016-05-28 May 23, 2016, primary school education in primary schools
2016-05-28 May 23, 2016, private education project report
2016-05-26 May 20, 2016, private Chinese primary school
2016-05-26 May 23, 2016, social security center supervision and inspection report
2016-05-26 May 20, 2016, knowledge and practice of primary research
2016-05-25 May 20, 2016, the Shanghai Nanjing school research
2016-05-25 May 20, 2016, Minhang green board Project Finance Seminar
2016-05-25 May 20, 2016, Qing Ning primary school research
2016-05-24 May 19, 2016, six in primary school research
2016-05-24 May 19, 2016, financial supervision and inspection and exchange of financial personnel
2016-05-24 May 19, 2016, Yang Lin primary research
2016-05-24 2016 Li Feng consulting spring expansion activities work summary
2016-05-23 May 19, 2016, Huangpu District environmental testing center testing equipment on-site verification
2016-05-23 May 19, 2016, the village primary school research
2016-05-23 May 19, 2016, Qingpu financial supervision
2016-05-22 May 19, 2016, Cao Lu town government, town level comprehensive road maintenance project, millions or thousands of people employment projects
2016-05-22 May 18, 2016, Huangpu green board project
2016-05-22 May 18, 2016, Changning Civil Affairs Bureau program confirmation re research
2016-05-21 May 15, 2016, Gongqing road and Lu Zhou road at the junction of the sun loving primary school research
2016-05-21 May 15, 2016, Qingpu Shuguang District Baihe Town Primary School Research
2016-05-21 May 15, 2016, Minhang green board project site research
2016-05-20 May 12, 2016, funding compliance checks
2016-05-20 May 11, 2016, primary school research tomorrow
2016-05-20 May 11, 2016, Xingzhi Primary School Research
2016-05-19 May 11, 2016, Yin primary research
2016-05-19 May 11, 2016, Huangpu District central monitoring station project
2016-05-19 May 11, 2016, Yucai primary school survey
2016-05-18 May 10, 2016, the Education Bureau of Yangpu housing repair project report communication
2016-05-18 May 10, 2016, pump station renovation project approach to communicate
2016-05-18 May 10, 2016, the association of project communication
2016-05-17 May 9, 2016, Shanghai youth teachers and students of the service project
2016-05-17 May 9, 2016, Qingpu Bureau of land planning projects
2016-05-17 May 5, 2016, peach garden campus research
2016-05-17 May 6, 2016, Huangpu District service industry to guide the project funds
2016-05-10 In May 5, 2016, the sky survey primary school
2016-05-10 May 5, 2016, and the Propaganda Department of the project person in charge of the docking
2016-05-10 May 5, 2016, city project
2016-05-10 In May 5, 2016, the same period Zhuchuan data collection
2016-05-10 May 5, 2016, the Shanghai Municipal Industry and Commerce Bureau of information operations
2016-05-10 In May 5, 2016, Nanxiang Town Board interview
2016-05-10 May 5, 2016, Minhang Green Wing Council project phase research
2016-05-10 May 4, 2016, Ma Ju Wei community transformation project
2016-05-10 May 4, 2016, Yangpu Finance Bureau performance evaluation work start
2016-05-06 May 4, 2016, 2015, Qingpu District, the assessment of private education projects
2016-05-06 In April 5, 2016, water bureau meeting
2016-04-28 In April 28, 2016, Gaoqiao Town People’s Government District comprehensive reform project
2016-04-28 April 28, 2016, Xuhui public houses and the sale of residential property services standardized subsidies
2016-04-28 In April 27, 2016, Gaoqiao Town People’s Government District comprehensive reform project
2016-04-26 April 26, 2016, Chongming County community cultural activities center construction project report review meeting
2016-04-26 April 24, 2016, the green capacity project funds check
2016-04-26 April 24, 2016, Huangpu green board sanitation project
2016-04-26 April 22, 2016, Xuhui District public houses and the sale of residential property services standardized management subsidies project
2016-04-26 April 21, 2016, warehouse field, bridge school research
2016-04-26 April 21, 2016, Minhang District City Bureau of project research
2016-04-26 2016年4月18日,绿容项目资金检查
2016-04-26 2016年4月18日,绿容项目资金检查
2016-04-26 2016年4月15日,奉贤农委再调研
2016-04-26 2016年4月8日,农委项目调研
2016-04-26 2016年4月7日,嘉定区项目沟通会
2016-04-26 2016年4月7日,科协调研
2016-04-26 2016年4月7日,徐汇区绩效业务交流会
2016-04-26 2016年4月7日,杨浦教育局访谈
2016-04-26 2016年4月7日,市局项目进场会
2016-04-26 2016年4月6日,社会服务保障中心调研
2016-04-26 2016年4月6日,社会服务保障中心调研
2016-04-26 2016年4月5日,嘉定项目调研
2016-04-26 2016年4月5日,绿容局垃圾分类项目调研
2016-04-26 2016年4月5日,锦湖日丽项目调研
2016-04-26 2016年3月29日,崇明报告沟通
2016-04-26 2016年3月29日,长宁区项目财政布置会
2016-04-26 2016年3月23日,松江区佳克评审
2016-04-26 2016年3月23日,项目培训
2016-04-26 2016年3月23日,浦东区项目调研
2016-04-26 March 22, 2016,Questionnaire survey of West Town in Hong Kong
2016-04-26 March 22, 2016, Chongming questionnaire survey
2016-04-26 March 21, 2016, Baoshan District housing project research
2016-04-26 March 18, 2016, Yangpu Education Bureau
2016-04-26 March 17, 2016, Longjiang kindergarten research
2016-04-26 March 17, 2016, environmental protection agency research
2016-04-26 March 17, 2016, Yangpu District questionnaire survey
2016-04-26 March 17, 2016, Qingpu District Education Bureau of private education project research
2016-04-26 March 16, 2016, Fengxian agricultural research
2016-04-26 March 16, 2016, Chongming program review communication
2016-04-26 March 9, 2016, Baoshan District low-cost housing project research
2016-04-26 March 9, 2016, training
2016-04-26 March 9, 2016, Baoshan District public rental project
2016-04-26 In March 7, 2016, the Education Bureau of Yangpu District housing repair and sports venues project communication
2016-04-26 March 4, 2016, affordable housing projects
2016-04-26 In March 3, 2016, the project research
2016-04-26 In March 2, 2016, Miao Zhen research
2016-04-26 March 2, 2016, Hong Kong West research
2016-04-25 February 25, 2016, city town research
2016-04-25 In February 25, 2016, Bao Zhen research
2016-04-25 In February 25, 2016, Chen Town Community Culture Research Center
2016-04-25 In January 20, 2016, the Education Bureau of Yangpu District housing repair engineering project research
2016-04-25 In January 19, 2016, Jinshan District small irrigation and water conservancy project communication
2016-04-25 January 13, 2016, Putuo District National Fitness Program Review
2016-04-25 In January 6, 2016, the government procurement expert training meeting
2016-04-25 January 6, 2016, Jinshan District agricultural project evaluation
2016-04-08 July 21, 2014 to participate in the Qingpu District Finance Bureau organized in 2013 in Qingpu District, water conservancy facilities, long-term manag
2016-04-08 June 2014 No. 25 in Jiading District Finance Bureau of Jiading District in 2013 venture capital incubator platform specific (support) project review m
2016-04-08 Shanghai Land Subsidence project report will be assessed
2016-04-08 Pudong EPA highways and county roads routine maintenance projects and programs funded expert review
2016-04-08 Shanghai Administration for the company uniform procurement project performance evaluation work program for expert review
2016-04-08 Shanghai Pudong COAG 2015 budget special fund performance expert review
2016-04-08 Pudong New District Board of Education school sports venues of special funds budget expert review
2016-04-08 Pudong New District Board of Education, 2015 Campus green renovation project performance budgeting accredited post-capital
2016-04-08 Yangpu District, later in 2013 the city raised the low-rent housing project will be assessed Shiwupeizu
2016-04-08 June 2014 No. 25 in Jiading District Finance Bureau of Jiading District in 2013 venture capital incubator platform specific (support) project review m
2016-04-08 Our participation in the project will be assessed Yangpu District
2016-04-08 July 21, 2014 to participate in the Qingpu District Finance Bureau organized in 2013 in Qingpu District, water conservancy facilities, long-term manag
2016-04-08 December 25, 2014 the company participated in the Pudong New Area in 2014 plans to purchase land value increment tax liquidation project communication
2016-04-08 January 2015 I held a training session on the theme Outlook 2015
2016-04-08 January 15, 2015, the company involved in the Shanghai Finance Bureau third party performance evaluation forum
2016-04-08 January 29, 2015, the company involved in the Shanghai Pudong New Area, Old Town and Village of millions of people employment projects renovation proj
2016-04-08 March 6, 2015, the company participated in the development of the Shanghai University of Finance and Budget Department of the Shanghai Municipal Perfo
2016-04-08 March 9, 2015, I participated in Xuhui District Finance Bureau 2015--2017 annual contract talks mediation training sessions
2016-04-08 March 17, 2015, I participated in Huangpu District Finance Bureau projects will be arranged
2016-04-08 March 18, 2015, I participated in Zhabei District, Shanghai Finance Bureau business arrangement will
2016-04-08 After March 19, 2015, I participated in Huangpu District Bureau of Finance held a performance evaluation of the project will be arranged
2016-04-08 March 19, 2015, according to the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission commissioned dangerous Transportation Enterprises Evaluation Project Per
2016-04-08 March 24, 2015, our company in Zhabei District Finance Bureau before the opening performance evaluation program will be assessed
2016-04-08 April 10, 2015, our research staff in Qingpu District
2016-04-08 April 15, 2015, I Baoshan Public Security Bureau personnel in research
2016-04-08 April 16, 2015, the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau performance evaluation training sessions
2016-04-08 April 21, 2015, our staff in Zhabei District, Shanghai Finance Bureau to participate in food safety traceability system project performance evaluation
2016-04-08 April 22, 2014, our personnel to Chongming County Public Security Bureau of Finance Research Project
2016-04-08 April 23, 2015, 2015, municipal financial performance evaluation of communication will be
2016-04-08 May 18, 2015, our research project Cao Road Town
2016-04-08 May 19, 2015, the company participated in the Shanghai Association for Science and performance targets returns will be assessed
2016-04-08 May 20, 2015, our company Qingpu District project proposals will be assessed
2016-04-08 May 21, 2015, I participated in Westgate project
2016-04-08 May 27, 2015, the company will participate in Qingpu project interviews
2016-04-08 May 28, 2015, I participated in Qingpu District Zhao Zhen project will start
2016-04-08 June 2, 2015, the company Huangpu District, road cleaning project fixed communication meetings
2016-04-08 June 5, 2015, I participated in Jiading project proposals will be assessed
2016-04-08 June 11, 2015, the company Qingpu District Food Bureau of Investigation
2016-04-08 June 15, 2015, I participated in fiscal expenditure performance targets declare guide
2016-04-08 June 19, 2015, I participated in Jiading assessment project
2016-04-08 June 23, 2015, the company participated in the project will start in Jinshan District Performance Evaluation
2016-04-08 June 25, 2015, our company Yangpu District Education Center Research Infrastructure
2016-04-08 June 26, 2015, our research project site Chongming County
2016-04-08 June 30, 2015, the Qingpu District, the project will be assessed site
2016-04-08 July 8, 2015, Chongming County agriculture and forestry conservation programs will be assessed site
2016-04-08 July 9, 2015, the company will review the project site in Changning District
2016-04-08 July 10, 2015, our company PUC research project site
2016-04-08 July 14, 2015, our field research project in Yangpu District School Board
2016-04-08 July 15, 2015, our research project Qingpu District
2016-04-08 July 21, 2015, the company Kingsoft conservancy key county project communication and project unit
2016-04-08 July 22, 2015, I Baoshan CDPF sector overall evaluation of the project will start
2016-04-08 July 31, 2015, our company Minhang District project research site
2016-04-08 July 30, 2015, the company Huangpu District project expert review
2016-04-08 July 29, 2015, the company will participate in the training project PUC
2016-04-08 July 28, 2015, our research project Zhabei District
2016-04-08 July 24, 2015, my company in a district agriculture and forestry conservation project funding compliance checks
2016-04-08 July 23, 2015, I Baoshan SMG Board Meeting
2016-04-08 August 4, 2015, the company Qingpu District Project carried out on-site
2016-04-08 August 11, 2015, our staff Cao Road Town, personnel training performance goals declared site
2016-04-08 August 12, 2015, our company Chongming County project site
2016-04-08 August 13, 2015, our Transportation Commission Project Review
2016-04-08 August 14, 2015, our company site Gaoqiao Town Meeting
2016-04-08 August 19, 2015, our staff training in Gaoqiao Town declared performance targets
2016-04-08 August 20, 2015, the company started the project Putuo District
2016-04-08 August 21, 2015, our research project site
2016-04-08 August 24, 2015, our company Zhou Town cadre training performance targets declaration
2016-04-08 August 26, 2015, the company carried out the project site in Qingpu
2016-04-08 October 10, 2015, our company Yangpu District research project
2016-04-08 October 13, 2015, the company projects will be assessed in Pudong
2016-04-08 October 14, 2015, I attended the training industry associations
2016-04-08 October 15, 2015, the company Kingsoft project interviews
2016-04-08 October 21, 2015, Chongming County Project Review
2016-04-08 October 22, 2015, the project interviews Nanzhen
2016-04-08 October 23, 2015, the Shanghai Construction Administration Project Interview
2016-04-08 October 26, 2015, Chuansha Town Project
2016-04-08 October 27, 2015, Baoshan CDPF project interviews
2016-04-08 October 28, 2015, the old town project review
2016-04-08 October 29, 2015, at the water supply project interviews
2016-04-08 November 2, 2015, to carry out the project in Pujiang Town
2016-04-08 November 3, 2015, I Baoshan road project undertaken
2016-04-08 November 4, 2015, the company projects Tangqiao Interview
2016-04-08 November 5, 2015, I Baoshan project interviews
2016-04-08 November 6, 2015, the company carried out projects in Pudong
2016-04-08 November 9, 2015, my company in Pudong Highway Department
2016-04-08 November 11, 2015, the company carried out the project in Yangpu
2016-04-08 November 12, 2015, the company markets project interviews
2016-04-08 November 13, 2015, our company Yangpu District Project Interview
2016-04-08 November 16, 2015, our company Yangpu project interviews
2016-04-08 November 17, 2015, our research project Putuo District
2016-04-08 November 18, 2015, our company Chuansha Town Project Interview
2016-04-08 November 19, 2015, our company Yangpu District Project Interview
2016-04-08 November 20, 2015, the company carried out projects FTA
2016-04-08 November 23, 2015, our monthly CUP international companies to work
2016-04-06 November 24, 2015, our company Wusong Island Project Interview
2016-04-06 November 25, 2015, our Civil Service Bureau of interviews
2016-04-06 Huangpu District Duocuobingju steadily budget performance management, and achieve better results
2016-04-06 Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation on financial institutions and small micro-loan contracts signed by enterprises shall be exempted
2016-04-06 Enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households annual public announcement
2016-04-06 November 26, 2015, our company, Shanghai Animal Disease Control and Prevention to carry out the project
Shanghai tax firm Li & Fung Ltd.
Address: Zhongshan West Road 2368, Huading Building 10 floor,room D Postal Code: 200235
Company switchboard: 021-64861516
Business Phone: Teacher Tan 64,863,398*13,391,115,013 / Teacher Chen 34,698,775
Supervision Tel: Teacher Yao 64872271/13901903781
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